27 Helen Jospeh Street, Durban, South Africa

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Availability Check

An availability check is checking whether you are available or not for a Production. If you reply YES, the Casting Agent will forward your details onto a Production for the Production to assess whether you are suitable for the role.

When we receive a brief from production we will check our database and see who fits the brief and then we will post the brief on our Whatsapp group.

If you are on our database and we contact you or if you fit the brief and apply, the first thing we will ask you is if you are available on the date/dates.

When we check with you if you are available, it's extremely important to check if you are not sure. Do NOT just say yes. This is a very important part of the booking process.


As soon as we receive that initial ‘yes’ response from you, we put you on our list of available extras that fit the brief, and send it to production for them to see who they want to book.

So if you say you are available, and we send you to production, they see you, love you and request you and we contact you to confirm you were selected then you turn round and say no you aren't available… The whole process is broken down. Disappointment all round and we have to start the process again.

When this happens it affects everyone involved…...

If your agency can not take your word at face value then they are less likely to book you again. So be honest and make 100% sure before saying yes.

Remember every person on a production is needed. 

This isn’t a confirmation but rather an availability check to ensure that if chosen, you are available and interested.